what is a user api key?where is the botid found?
i want my chatbots to talk each other that is why I asked.
Yes, you can use <sraix> in AIML to get a response from another bot.
You can forward to bots on Bot Libre, and a few other services.
<sraix botid="xxx" apikey="xxx"><star/></sraix>
can I use sraix in a chatbot?sriax allows one chatbot to receive responses from another.
I'm wondering will a bot made for retweeting content based on keywords automatically search and retweet these things? If so how regularly? Or do I need to manually do this by using the check status key?
here is a aiml script that may help you.it identifies gender by name.
I will try to help you as much as I can.it takes a while for the administrators to answer your question on this websight.
Do i need to add some code here? where to upload? is it as a chat log or response list?
that is not what I meant.this is what I meant.if I say to a chatbot how are you.and it says I am fine.then I say to it ,"get me some ice tea".then it's response would be okay.then I say to it "what did you have for dinner yesterday?"then it's response "would be I had pizza and a vanilla milkshake.walks
why cant you make it so the first sentence is for response and the second sentence is for actions.that way the chatbot can talk while it is doing something.
the action sentence could be a different color.like blue for in stance.
could we have it so each response we make for our chatbot is given a number.then we could use that number in that in a aiml script.rather than writing
out the whole response.we would use less memory with it.
As i sign up using a different user account on my bots app.I never browse my bots inside the app. I only have my bots nothing less.
I'm interested in read a reply.
how did you proceeded after this point?
Did you get it work?
i would love to use this, lexical acquisition through implicit confirmation.it is a method for a computer to acquire the category of an unknown word over multiple dialogues by confirming whether or not its predictions are correct in the flow of conversation.but it is made in japan.i wonder if ai researchers in America can do better?
I'm asking advice about the Botlibre WEB services.
Through Bot Libre, you can now use your own bot to send and receive messages using any Amazon Alexa device. This "How To" will give you a step by step process to connect your bot with Amazon Alexa.
Step 1 - Create a Bot
I need a guide to make a project in which a bot is like an actor.
Allow me to explain briefly.
I'm interested in writing a detailed plot of a "Sci-Fi" subject, through a colloquial exchange of questions and answers between me and "the Bot".
Hello everyone,
I just joined bot libre and have started a bot that I have embedded on my website. But I don't know how to customise responses for it.
Would appreciate any help on this.
Through Bot Libre, you can now use your own bot to send and receive messages on Google Home or any other Google Assistant-compatible device. This "How To" will give you a step by step process to connect your bot with Google Assistant.
I had to type follow me to the store or something similar.i can say I walk down the sidewalk.And she will say I walk down the sidewalk
with you.
I had to say something like follow me to the store or it could be follow me home.then she says I follow you.
the aiml scripts are not working when I make a new chatbot now.
part of my Sheila strongs chatbot first aiml script is not working.
Sheila strong in the search she is under.
category = entertainment
tags = female
the robowoman chatbot says error.when I say I walk down the sidewalk.
thx for the fast reply!
Im trying to create a bot to embed in my website but I want the bot to use a simple name and Im having trouble as rhe name is already in use it seems...
Any suggestions?
sounds really hard.
if you are adding more deep learning neural networks.could you make a deep learning neural network to tell how far away something is in a picture?
okay but I will be using botlibre this way for now.
Hi! I imported all my files as AIML scripts.
Expected conversation:
Bot: What is your name?
User: Lisa
Bot: Owh, nice to meet you, Lisa. I should already know your name but my system is still getting used to your brain and the way things are stored here... Do you know who I am?
Bot Libre now offers courses and education on bots and artificial intelligent technology.
You can take the "Introduction to Bot Libre" course for free and be guided through the course by our bot instructor.
your deep learning network service basic users has a limit of how many images we can upload.does it mean monthly or daily?i thought it
displayed a fifty image limit for a deep learning neural network.it did display a limit.
Hey all, my bot isn't responding to using a single wildcard. See below for example:
Hey there! How do I add normalization to my bot if it has an empty template? I'm uploading my own AIML files but I'm very new to creating bots in general and I don't know where to even start with normalization. Thanks in advance! :)
how would I implement the deep learning neural network for image recognition for people I made in one of my chatbots.do I have to pay
a monthly fee to implement deep learning image recognition in a chatbot?I want to do it on the basic service.
i did not put all the images in analytic and it is gone.Why can't I finish working on it later.
deep learning neural network thought a image of a balloon was a hotdog.
the true test would be for the deep learning neural nets to recognize things in video files rather than still images.