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Guidance in making the appropriate choice.

による zindio 掲載 Aug 20 2018, 21:15

I need a guide to make a project in which a bot is like an actor.

Allow me to explain briefly.

I'm interested in writing a detailed plot of a "Sci-Fi" subject, through a colloquial exchange of questions and answers between me and "the Bot".

I've  tried Botlibre-desktop but it lack essential functions of: copy / paste / delete / undo in the text input window, the inability to import and export texts (lost the work done, obviously a demo text).

I would have preferred to work offline, due to cost/connectivity issues, however it gave me the opportunity to discover that training a bot is the perfect formula for my case.

In contrast, the  Botlibre Web has no limits and offers an impressive amount of options to extend the fields of application and functionality of the bots.

Indeed too much information for me, causing me losing focus on subject.

To proceed it would be useful to start by making a list of the necessary parts (bots, templates, scripts ...etc) that should be used to create a basic but functional bot.


Someone would know how to do it and share it with me ? 

Additional useful guidance, tips, suggestion, are welcome.


Many thanks

by admin posted Aug 21 2018, 8:28
Bot Libre Desktop currently only lets you train the bot through chat.

If you would like additional functionality added to Bot Libre Desktop you can contact [email protected] and we can develop this functionality for you.

We also offer the offline version for Android, and have developed an offline iOS version as well.

If you want the full web version locally, you may also consider licensing the Bot Libre Enterprise Bot Platform.

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by zindio posted Aug 21 2018, 17:08

I'm asking advice about the Botlibre WEB services.

Updated: Aug 21 2018, 20:25
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by admin posted Aug 21 2018, 20:30
The easiest way to create a bot is to choose a template that matches the type of bot you want to create.

You can also import script or responses from our script library, including entire personalities such as Alice or Julie.



Otherwise you need to define your bot's responses yourself.


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Id: 23292340
タグ: how to
掲載: Aug 20 2018, 21:15
回答: 3
眺望: 2197, 今日の: 2, 週間: 3, 月: 47
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