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Browse : JSON : Animals Set

Animals Set

This JSON data file can be used to load the concept of animals into your bot.
This defines animal meaning objects for animal words, and can be used as a set in AIML or from Self.
You can import JSON files from your bot's Knowledge page in its Admin Console.

Language: JSON
別名: @Animals Set
カテゴリ: Data, JSON
タグ: data, animals, json, set
コンテンツの格付: Everyone

ライセンス: Public Domain
作成した: Nov 7 2017
作成者: admin : 送信メッセージ
アクセス: Everyone
Id: 19618149
リンク: https://www.botlibre.com/script?id=19618149
組込みリンク: https://www.botlibre.com/script?id=19618149&embedded=true
File Link: https://sandbox.botlibre.com/script?file&id=19618149

結ぶ: 469, 今日の: 0, 週間: 0, 月: 2
APIを結ぶ: 4, 今日の: 0, 週間: 0, 月: 0
最後の接続: Yesterday, 6:04

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