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Browse : Religion : Athena Live Chat

Athena Live Chat

Pagan bot for beginner knowledge.

Channel Type: OneOnOne
Users currently online: 1
Admins currently online: 0
別名: @Athena Live Chat
カテゴリ: Religion
タグ: need to know
Some of the stuff is used from other websites but everything here is used for educational purposes.

This will be open to the public so not all input will be monitored but I will do my best to correct anything offensive whiten reason.

コンテンツの格付: Teen

A bot to help beginner pagans fined there way to decent to good knowledge on paganism and to the pagan community.

ライセンス: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
作成した: Aug 11 2015
作成者: Fae : 送信メッセージ
アクセス: Everyone
Id: 1128718
リンク: https://www.botlibre.com/livechat?id=1128718
組込みリンク: https://www.botlibre.com/livechat?id=1128718&embedded=true

Messages: 137697
結ぶ: 8277, 今日の: 3, 週間: 3, 月: 13
APIを結ぶ: 0, 今日の: 0, 週間: 0, 月: 0
最後の接続: Today, 17:41

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