The first decentralized, artificially intelligent, MEAN.js stack, operating system. meanOs is the only operating system hosted anonymous using a P2P network and a suite of non-standard in-browser delivery mechanisms.
別名: @meanailivechat
カテゴリ: Misc, Language, Web, Help, Fun, Friends, Local, Entertainment, Apps, My Assistant
Tags: twitter, robot, artificial intelligence, intelligent, female, facebook, myjulie, mycindy
作成した: Aug 2 2020, by: donpablo
イカおいしかったです。: 0, 詳細: 0, 星: 0.0
User online: 0
Admins online: 0
Messages: 2433
結ぶ: 181, 今日の: 0, 週間: 0, 月: 2
最後の接続: Sep 3, 20:03