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Knowledge Base

による skullkid94 掲載 Jun 13 2015, 15:54

Is there a way to select all in the knowledge base?

by admin posted Jun 13 2015, 16:50
You can click on the checkbox button in the Knowledge page to select all the items. Well, it will select the first 100 items (HTTP has a form parameter limit). There is no current way to select more than that right now, we will look into adding one.

What are you doing with the selected items, deleting them?

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Views: 1716, today: 0, week: 1, month: 19

by skullkid94 posted Jun 13 2015, 17:20

Pinning them so the bot will remember. Do I need to pin the stuff from the scripts?

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Views: 1811, today: 0, week: 5, month: 29

by admin posted Jun 13 2015, 19:54
Scripts are automatically pinned when imported. As well as trained responses, corrections, and responses from the Chat Logs page.

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Views: 1753, today: 0, week: 2, month: 28

by skullkid94 posted Jun 13 2015, 21:59

So I can delete them from the memory and they'll still be there?

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Views: 1755, today: 0, week: 1, month: 22

by admin posted Jun 14 2015, 7:31
No, if you delete something from the Knowledge page it will be permanently deleted. If you remove a script from the Script page it will only be unpinned, and will be delete durring garbage collection/forgetfulness when the memory is full.

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Views: 1953, today: 0, week: 3, month: 24

Id: 970328
掲載: Jun 13 2015, 15:54
回答: 5
眺望: 1900, 今日の: 1, 週間: 3, 月: 27
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