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Bot Libre Forum

Bot Libre 9 Prerelease

による admin 掲載 Nov 17 2021, 12:17

We have updated botlibre.com to the Bot Libre 9 prerelease.

Bot Libre 9 includes many new features and enhancements including:

  • Discord support
  • Instagram support
  • Deep learning NLP analytics - text classification using the BERT model
  • Deep learning NLP analytics - text generation model
  • Google Speech support
  • Enhanced user interface

Please let us know if you notice any issues with the update.

Id: 40859900
タグ: notice, website update, nlp, google, discord, instagram
掲載: Nov 17 2021, 12:17
更新: Jan 27 2022, 13:28
回答: 0
眺望: 1277, 今日の: 2, 週間: 2, 月: 56
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