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Help : RE: how does it works to train the bot and how can i do this

RE: how does it works to train the bot and how can i do this

による Gandolfos 掲載 Mar 15 2014, 12:01

all that not really works, and i am confused...

i try to delte the complete bot and create a new one. now it seems more less clear. in the chat log i have found the old conversions and responses. this will not delete too?

sometimes the bot give me my questions as answers... why? When the bot don't know the answer they must send the default or not?

it is possible to have a complete clear bot and i can start to train and to look what's happend?

who is the best place to correct answers. what does a phrase mean?

not so easy ;)

Id: 14767
掲載: Mar 15 2014, 12:01
回答: 0
眺望: 2797, 今日の: 1, 週間: 4, 月: 61
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