RE: Have any support for text to speech on Java/Android library? |
All of the SDKs use the same web API, so if the SDK is missing something you can just call the web API directly. We will be updating the Android and Java SDKs soon to support more of the web API. For now you can call the web API directly through your SDKConnection class. POST is protected correctly, so you can subclass SDKConnection with your own subclass to add a method.
public String tts(Speech config) {
return POST(this.url + "/speak", config.toXML());
Where Speech is,
public class Speech extends Config {
public String text;
public String voice;
public String toXML() {
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
if (this.text != null) {
writer.write(" text=\"" + this.text + "\"");
if (this.voice != null) {
writer.write(" voice=\"" + this.voice + "\"");
return writer.toString();