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Bugs and Features

Optional set of words

による igolubev 掲載 Mar 28 2016, 9:56

Could you please explain, why phrase "a d f" isn't handled by pattern "^ (b c) [d e] ^" ?

by admin posted Mar 28 2016, 18:45
That is odd, the pattern "(b c) [d e] ^" seems to work, it seems to be an issue with the first "^".

I think I have a fix for the issue, it will be in our next website update, maybe a week or two.

Thank you for reporting the issue.

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Id: 12444800
掲載: Mar 28 2016, 9:56
回答: 1
眺望: 1996, 今日の: 1, 週間: 3, 月: 18
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