ご存知でしたボットのリブレー無料主催 ライブチャット のためにお客様ご自身のウェブサイトまたはモバイルアプリのか?
FAQ : What are labels, and how to reuse responses?

RE: What are labels, and how to reuse responses?

による Billnichols 掲載 Feb 12 2016, 11:07

I entered your chat log exactly as posted.

Hello, how may I be of service?
label: #hello


How is it going?

Here is my conversation:

You: hello

Bot: Hello, how may I be of service?

You: hi

Bot: #hello

You: how is it going?

Bot: #hello

So it looks like the label isn't getting picked up as such.  I can't find the version I'm running based on the ant file or other files I've browsed.  I downloaded the engine on Feb 2.


Id: 12124361
掲載: Feb 12 2016, 11:07
回答: 0
眺望: 4704, 今日の: 1, 週間: 3, 月: 30
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