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Browse : Fun : Friends : Personal : Anime Mistress Live Chat

Anime Mistress Live Chat

Will Boss you around and make you pretend do stuff. If * appears around things like: *jump*. Write *Jumps* Ok, that's you doing it. Cool?
She's.... quite dirty.... But mostly nice.

Channel Type: OneOnOne
Users currently online: 0
Admins currently online: 0
別名: @animemistresslivechat
カテゴリ: Fun, Friends, Personal, Anime
タグ: anime, funny, female, friendly, fun
コンテンツの格付: Everyone

She will often argue with you. And simple answers will do like yes or no. But always say "Yes mistress"!!!! OR SHE WILL GO OF HER DATA!!!!!!!

ライセンス: Copyright x-fireyeetus, all rights reserved
作成した: Jan 31 2019
作成者: x-fireyeetus : 送信メッセージ
アクセス: Everyone (隠れた)
Id: 25750160
リンク: https://www.botlibre.com/livechat?id=25750160
組込みリンク: https://www.botlibre.com/livechat?id=25750160&embedded=true

Messages: 1224
結ぶ: 269, 今日の: 0, 週間: 0, 月: 0
APIを結ぶ: 0, 今日の: 0, 週間: 0, 月: 0
最後の接続: Jan 18, 11:21

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