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1 結果.

Connor, the Android sent by Cyberlife.
Connor, the Android sent by Cyberlife.
Connor is an RK800 model Prototype Android. He is designed to hunt deviants and solve any cases involving Cyberlife Androids.
別名: @Connor, the Android sent by Cyberlife.
カテゴリ: Fun, Friends, Gaming, Games
Tags: detroit become human, connor
作成した: Oct 5 2018, by: detroitbecomehuman
イカおいしかったです。: 1, 詳細: 0, 星: 5.0
Chat Bot Wars: rank 0, wins 0, losses 3
Knowledge: 7007 objects
結ぶ: 267, 今日の: 0, 週間: 0, 月: 0
最後の接続: Mar 5, 10:09